User Agreement

User Agreement.

The information resource, administration, further referred the Administration, and on this resource information places private individual, further referred the User, have concluded with the User this agreement, further referred the Agreement, on the following.

Administration gives the User a right to place on the information resource following information:

  • Text materials;
  • Audio materials;
  • Videos materials;
  • Photo materials;
  • Hypertext links to contained on this information resource or in other information sources materials.

User not does the following:

  • an illegal, harmful, threatening, morality, honor and dignity abusive, rights and legally protected third parties interests, slanderous, infringing copyrights, propagandizing race, ethnicity, gender, social discrimination, promoting Incitement to religious, racial or ethnic hatred, containing Violence or inhumane treatment animals scenes etc., establishing the "On the morality" Ukraine Law, the Ukraine Constitution and your country laws materials publish;
  • any person or an organization and/or community representative without sufficient rights impersonate, as well as misleading about any subjects or objects features and characteristics materials placed;
  • as no right under law or not available under any contract making relations for the User materials publish;
  • violate the rights to any patent, trademark, commercial secret, copyright or other property rights and/or copyrights and allied rights of the third parties materials publish;
  • intrusive and not requested advertising and mail, «spam», invitations to participate in financial pyramids or impose services other means, the inside sending messages including Intrusive and not requested advertising and mail, «spam», invitations to participate in financial pyramids or impose services other means, the inside sending messages including materials publish;
  • computer code designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer or telecommunications equipment or software for unhotengine-authorized access, as well as serial numbers to commercial software, logins, passwords and other means to gain unhotengine-authorized access to paid resources in the Internet containing materials publish;
  • deliberately or accidental any applicable local, state or international laws violation materials placed;
  • personal of other users data contain collections and storages materials publish;
  • narcotic drugs advertising materials publish;
  • containing rude and abusive expressions proposals and threats records in someone's address materials placed;
  • pornographic containing records materials publish.

The administration has the right:

  • To add, modify and cancel the information resource use change rules in its sole discretion;
  • To limit access to any posted by the User information, delete the published by the User content, the User account on its sole discretion;
  • To refuse the User registration account, if his account previously deleted for Agreement violation conditions;
  • To restrict the user for a rules and (or) the access agreement violation temporarily or always.


The User undertakes to:

  • To ensure the provided reliability dissemination information;
  • If the User is not the creator of disseminating information, ensure on the information holder or for another distributing inclusion data about creators in a form and volume, sufficient for such person identification in the reliable information composition;
  • to disseminate not information aimed at the war propaganda, national incitement, racial or religious hatred and enmities, as well as other providing criminal or administrative responsibility;
  • do not publish containing viruses placement, additional on the server-creating load, application programs, not attributable to the functional content an information resource and in other ways the site performance information.

The parties responsibility.

    In case, if a User has posted distribution restricted or prohibited by Federal laws, the copyright or otherwise law protected violates information, the User is for its placement all liability.
    The Administration has the right to remove information or request documents confirming the author rights in the case of complaints of possessor of right to placement of its materials by the User.

The time and conditions of the Agreement
    The agreement is a legally binding agreement between the User and the Administration and regulates the for the User materials granting conditions for posting on the Site.
    This agreement will enter into force from the moment the User information resource registration and apply for an indefinite period.

The administration has the right to change the Agreement provisions without notice to the user. Original of License you can find here